Christine's Kitchen
Love People: Cook Them Tasty Food!
My husband and I were both fortunate enough to grow up in homes where cooking was revered. With strong Greek and Italian heritage between us, we grew up enjoying big authentic family meals. We both cherish the memories shared around the table by 3 generations. Because we see that kind of culture as a gift, we have worked to create it in our home, as well. My daughters have had the good fortune of making baklava with their Yaya and ravioli with their grandparents.
This kind of food culture is getting lost in our hectic modern world and I believe strongly that the break down of a culture around food and cooking together is contributing to the health crisis this country is experiencing today. If we all do our part to take back our kitchens just a little bit week by week, it will bring us together and help us make great shifts in our health! So take your kids to the grocery store, choose gorgeous produce, plant a garden and sit down together for dinner as often as you can. Hand down the ideal that profound wellness is created at home!